Monday, January 26, 2009

A Schedule I Can't Keep

So last night I decided to check out the Marist College Anime Society. I figured I'm still relatively college aged and it would be nice to join a local anime club to meet some new people/nerds like me. Their website said that it was open to anyone so I felt I could join and not be a creep old graduated guy in the back. I have to say that I had a pretty good time, though not perfect by any means. First off, parking is very confusing with it being new college to me. I found a visitor's spot and hoped that's where I'm supposed to park. The club itself was pretty packed. Probably upwards of 40 people there, which was way more than what I was anticipating being a small college like Marist. Throughout the club, I found several different little things that made me smile and appreciate the company around me. One of the officer's wallpaper was the Tekzilla logo. I heard several mentions of Rev3 shows and such. It also seemed like I heard mentioned some stuff similar to the podcasts I listen to, such as TWiT and "Moon Language". The club itself is very different. They seem to have no regard for permissions, which is both good and bad. The club is regularly watched by the higher ups to make sure things go ok. They also get direct funding from the school, so they buy plenty of DVDs and get food at every meeting. (I didn't get any this mtg since I felt it wasn't right.) They are willing to hook up a laptop and show fansubs of shows. The club seems popular, and it could be since Marist seems to encourage club participation or that I'm at a liberal arts school where people appreciate art/writing more (and possibly don't have any real work to do, j/k!). The biggest change of all though, is how they conduct their meeting with regards to the showing. They pick out 6 series or so and watch 1 episode each week, switching disks and shows after each episode. To me, this is incredibly annoying and I don't like that type of showing. First, it makes it very difficult to watch different genres of anime. You can't switch from drama to comedy and expect to keep the mood or to watch it the same way. You can't watch crazy messed up stuff with your funny stuff. It just doesn't work. Also, suspense is nearly lost since you have to wait a week to find out. And additionally, it makes it very hard to keep viewers. If someone misses a meeting, they are pretty much screwed. They can never be caught up or start over since they missed an episode of 6 different series. This ties into my next complaint in that it meets at a very horrible time. Sunday nights is a horrible time. After having busy weekends, it can be hard to make it to the club meetings, especially if I'm traveling back to Poughkeepsie from PSU or home, or even attending Cons like NYAF. Also, Sundays are prime time for watching other stuff, like the upcoming Superbowl or Oscars. They just make it very difficult to keep up with. I still intend to go and meet people as long as I can, but this is making it very difficult.

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