Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Death Note 2

So tonight I watched the second Death Note Live action movie. Just wanted to share my quick thoughts. I thought it was really good and stuck to the source material fairly well, considering you only have 2 hours to tell 10 hours or so of material. I liked the changes they had to make. It made things exciting enough that even though I knew what happened, it kept things interesting. I watched the movie with English dubbing since I enjoy the dubbing of the series so much. I also included subtitles so that I could get the original translation. Although drastically different at times, the dubbing was really good. Since this movie had a conclusion and a few more twists, I feel that this one was better than the first one. I'm also intrigued at the extra plot line they set up for a third/spin-off movie. I will have to check it out when it comes out. The one major thing that bothered me last time and again this time, why the heck is a Red Hot Chili Peppers song the major sell of this movie. They keep on pushing it in the trailer and everywhere, yet it is so unrelated. I just wonder if this is a "cool English" thing or are they really popular in Japan. I don't know.

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