Monday, October 6, 2008

Heroes is setting me up for disappointment

Why do I keep watching Heroes? They had one good season, and the rest have been mediocre at best. They had a winning formula, but seemed to have lost it. So after the mess that was last season, they got my hopes up for this season saying they knew where they went wrong and would fix it. My hopes were pretty much squashed. Last week's episode was pure craziness. Tonight's episode was mediocre at best. They were at least working with their mess ups from last week and correcting some of them, such as reusing powers, making people good or evil. I don't like this future crazy stuff. Now all of a sudden Syler has a kid, Parkman married the speedster, Claire is some sort of evil person. I would like some answers, which I'm sure will come. But I still feel that the show is still doomed. They lost so many people. I have hope that they can turn it around, but I probably shouldn't. I'll just be left disappointed.

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