Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Linger with an Octopus

I decided to buy the new demoscene project that appeared up on PSN this week, Linger in Shadows. I figured for $3, why not? Because it's a demoscene, or interactive art as they like to describe it, it is very short, but I have to say it was kinda fun. The whole thing was like going to a modern art exhibit and looking around. The graphics have this feel that make them look like an oil painting. The story, or what's left of one, makes absolutely no sense with floating monsters, a cat, and some sort of flying dog among a city with numbers of boxes. The ending left me more confused than the beginning, which I suppose art will do. I enjoyed manipulating the objects in the "game" and looking for the hidden items. Overall, weird, but fun while it lasted. I'm glad it didn't cost any more though...

On a totally different note, my friend Matt showed me this hilarious video about Tarvuism. It's so easy to join! I just wonder who would win in a fight between Tarvu and the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Say Hebbo! from Torvakian on Vimeo.

Tarvu tarvooti,
Oboonoo cTooti,
Mimmin O'tibbi noonah,
Mdfitty fitty noonah,
Arvu immentiBarvu,

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