Monday, October 20, 2008

A Series of Unfortunate Rants

So I've got a few rants I want to get off my chest this evening, pretty unrelated too. The first is my usual Heroes thoughts. The show seems to travel like a roller coaster. It has it's ups and downs. I thought this week was rather good. Characters remembered most of their powers for once and used them (Hiro time traveling more, Peter going invisible, etc.), the story was relatively suspenseful and even had a glimpse at a cool fight scene with Syler and Peter fighting a little bit (having the two characters with tons of abilities would make an awesome fight if the writers can keep track of everything), and I wasn't yelling any obscenities at my TV for a change. Unfortunately, I'm totally expecting to be disappointed next week, since that seems to be how this show works.

Next, I want to say what a brilliant thing the most recent firmware update to the PS3 was. The update added Flash 9 support to Sony's shitty web browser. This means that services like Hulu can actually work through the PS3. I find this extremely awesome. I can watch TV shows that I miss through Hulu, and instead of watching them on my laptop screen or going through the trouble of hooking up my laptop to my tv, I can simply turn on my PS3 and watch them on a very nice looking screen. The feature is buggy as hell though it seems. Full screen mode doesn't seem to work so I just do a manual zoom, which isn't a perfect resolution for my tv, but still decent. The video can sometime be jittery even though I have a 15Mbps download speed, which I feel is more the crappy browser and flash support than my connection since it works fine on my laptop. Lastly, the higher quality videos don't seem to work so I have to watch everything at like 360p or whatever it is. This is a small price to pay I say. I get the added benefit of a huge screen, plus I can use my laptop while watching stuff on the tv, so I get added productivity. Overall, I feel this will be my new way of watching my missed TV content. I just wished a few more networks supported it like ABC.

Lastly, I want to address an issue that I saw today, although it wasn't the first by any means. My dad sent me an email today that was sent to him claiming that Obama doesn't say the pledge of allegiance and also had a 'shopped picture of him in a turban. To his credit, instead of instantly believing what was sent to him (like oh so many people do nowadays), he was asking me for clarification and if it was even true. I was able to promptly respond with the proper factual information telling him it was false. I am sick and tired of all of these sick, twisted and just plain false and baseless character attacks. Why in every election or in every political situation do people resort to attacking someone's character instead of actually talking about what matters in how to lead and correct this country? In the 50's it was Senator McCarthy attacking people for being communists, even if they weren't. Nixon's entire election was based on character attacks. Al Gore was character attacked for being boring, uptight, and elitist, and so was John Kerry. This is nothing more than the senseless "witch" hunts that occurred in the 15th and 16th century, which we all look back on and see how stupid they were. Why can't we stop with all of the character attacks? It does nothing to help us and only hurts us. Can't people understand that it's the issues that really matter in your everyday life? I don't care if you don't agree with Obama or McCain's issues, but to have baseless character attacks is just plain wrong and disgusting.

Maybe what sickens me the most is that the amount of racism that is starting to show in this election cycle. (I hope that people can overcome and that nothing horrible for the right candidate and the one you believe in, not the one whose skin matches yours) Maybe the racists don't know but Obama is actually half white. That's right, just like me. Maybe they will realize that even though his skin may be dark and his name may sound funny, that he's a decent American. In case they haven't noticed, Obama, isn't even like the type of African American they dislike...He's well educated, speaks proper, and isn't a "gangsta". He cares for his family and isn't a criminal. He's practically "white"! (if rednecks don't count) If these racists hate African Americans so much, why don't they stop and think about what Obama might do to help that culture group. It is my belief that if Obama would become president, it would actually help the African American community, in such a way that it would help lessen many of the stereotypes. You don't think that having a highly educated black man as the President of the United States wouldn't have ripples in the black communities? Young people could look up to him as a role model since currently the only black role models kids have are sports stars and rappers. This might encourage kids to be well educated, go get an education, treat your family with respect, and most importantly, that even if you come from a broken home or a run down neighborhood (like Obama) you can believe in your dreams and you can do anything. I mean it's practically a Hallmark movie. I just want to see all of the racist smears stop. I imagine that's just too much to ask for.

In the mean time, after Palin's success on SNL, the McCain campaign realizes thay have to go after the youth vote. So they are going to star in a movie: McFast & McFurious

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