Monday, April 27, 2009

Guild Hero

So a quick post on some things wrapped up tonight. I watched season 2 of the Guild. Just like the first, it was a whole lot of fun and a joy. The characters are great and I think that's the biggest appeal. The jokes and situations are funny, even though I don't play any MMOs. Great stuff.
Heroes Volume 4(?) also finished this evening. It's clear that it's improving and has improved from it's low and horrible volumes 2 & 3. I like how they killed off some of the characters and feel that at times the writing is good creating unusual situations and bringing back some unusual powers. I feel that overall it's not as good as the first season, but it's back on its way up. I felt the ending was a little bit of a cop out, but they can definitely have some fun with this for next season. (Although the ice woman's recurrence was surprisingly unexpected.)
Other than that, I went to the dentist today. Good to have nice clean teeth :D I guess they'll hurt tomorrow though. One thing that came up was the possibility of braces to straighten up my teeth and fix some of my alignment problems. Although clearly cosmetic and not necessary for me since I'm only minor, it still is something to think about, especially since I'm eligible for invisalign. I still have to do a bunch of research before I make any decisions.

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