Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Statue of Catching Up

So it's been a busy week. Work has been picking up (outside of today) and this past weekend my parents came up to visit. Since then, I've been mostly trying to catch up with stuff since I was out of whack. The one thing we did do was go down to NYC on Saturday. We first went to the Statue of Liberty. It was a nice site and I'm glad I finally got to go see it. We also went to Ellis Island. I found this extremely interesting seeing all of the immigrant's stories. The artifacts they had were cool to look at. I never realized just how similar the situations in America relate to the ones of today. I knew it was close, but it was amazing how exact. We also got to walk by the WTC site, Chinatown, and Little Italy. I was a little disappointed with Chinatown since it wasn't as good as the one in San Francisco. Little Italy was cool and it was a nice place to grab some pizza. We also walked around midtown Manhattan too. I think in total we walked over 7 miles. It was quite a long day.

Other than that, I watched the latest Coen Brother's film. I thought it was pretty good. It was a little over the top and pointless from a plot perspective, but I had fun with it. I seem to be a fan of the Coen brother's films.
It's also good to see the Penn State Basketball team having some success. Tomorrow they are in the NIT championship game. If they can win against Baylor, that would be awesome and huge for the school since we are normally bottom dwellers. Let's go State!

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