Friday, December 19, 2008

Assassin's Creed/Traitor

Ugh, such a boring day at work with everyone leaving for vacation and not coming in because of the snow. It doesn't help that I'm waiting on people before I can continue. Oh well, work should pick up shortly.

Yesterday, I was able to finish Assassin's Creed. I picked up this game pretty dirt cheap a while ago and enjoyed it, especially for the price. The whole story is wrapped in this weird Sci-fi overcoat which I was not expecting. It shocked and confused me at first, but eventually got used to it, and allowed for some additional twists. I just wish they would have mentioned it maybe even sometime with the propaganda leading up to the game. The graphics were pretty good. I was amazed at the scenery and the surrounding objects, especially when I climb to view points to look out over the city. But I feel the graphics could greatly improve for the character models. Most of them look pretty average and some look absolutely horrible (the main doctor chick, UGH!). The actual game play was pretty fun - go to a city, climb to high places to complete map and find objectives, complete mini objectives to find info, complete main assassination, repeat 9 times. It is simple, but gets kind of tiresome towards then end since each time it is the exact same thing. I'm glad it didn't continue much longer. The game was also pretty easy overall. Most of the missions were easy and there wasn't a big penalty for dieing. Each town gradually increased in difficulty, but not enough to make a real difference. The story was actually quite good. Towards the end it actually drew me in pretty well and I was kinda excited to see what would happen next. Which brings me to the ending...what a complete let down. They do all this set up and all this suspense building, all of a sudden some weird shit happens and you're all of a sudden staring at the credits. It was all setup for the sequel. I thought I might get some questions answered. When developers do that, it sucks, especially since pretty much no questions answered for the entire game. It was all set up. If I can get the next one at a good price like I did this one, I might pick it up. For now, I have tons of other games to play/catch up on.

Tonight I also watched Traitor - the new Don Cheedle movie. I thought it was an ok movie. It was quite slow at times and could have used some more action to speed it up. The twists toward the end made the movie likable, because there wasn't a whole lot else. I guess my main gripe with the movie was that not for one second did I believe Don Cheedle was a terrorist. This made the entire movie's premise hard to follow. This was definitely his type of movie, but I think the role was completely off. Hopefully he can seem convincing in Iron Man 2 because I want a good War Machine.

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