Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Death Proof

Well, it's that lull before the holidays. Not much to do at work and hoping it picks up so I have some stuff to do.

Tonight I watched Death Proof. My first impression when putting it in, was why the hell was this a blu-ray? It looked terrible and sounded bad. Then I realized it was supposed to be bad and got used to it enough to enjoy the movie towards the end. The movie was fun at times, especially towards the end. I didn't like how the movie kinda wrapped itself up (poorly) and then began again at the time, but after finishing it, enjoyed it. There were times where there was too much dialog,, but it helped build the characters. It was a fun romp. My only question is how come he didn't know about the gun? He planned his other actions pretty well. And above all else, I could have sworn he was at the diner when she revealed she had a gun. Maybe he did know, and just wasn't expecting it or forgot, but I thought it was a plot hole that could have been explored.

Quickly, I also want to discuss the disappointing sales numbers. PS3 had a horrible month and it became clear that it needs a price cut and I hope Sony gives in. I don't care how much you lose, just do it! More regrettably was that I found out the numbers sold for Valkeria Chronicles. Only 33,000! That is pathetic and truly sad. Now I'm hoping it will steadily sell more copies as people wrap up their other AAA titles and want a good strategy RPG after Christmas. I know my excuse is that I'm waiting for some Christmas gift cards and going to buy it almost immediately after. I hope others may be doing the same. Please? This is a GREAT PS3 exclusive and we need to support it and I intend to since I loved the demo. The dumbest excuse I've heard for people not buy this game was that it didn't have trophies. That is pathetic. Trophies are so stupid and to not buy a game is even worse. Pointless little achievements that mean nothing. They may help you have continued interest in some games, but not a strategy game. You completing the missions should be challenge enough. I swear, people are pathetic. I just need to push my purchase to December/January. Hold on Sega! I'm coming!

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