Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's Always Sunny with Dragonballs...Maybe Not

Check out this trailer. This has got to be the worst trailer I've seen in quite some time. The movie looks horrible, without even considering that they threw out all source material. Admittedly, there wasn't much there to begin with, but still, basic properties no longer apply. Also, what's with the subtitle? Is this a sequel already? /joking

Also, I checked out It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia tonight from the suggestion of a coworker. It is an absolutely hilarious show. It's edgy and random and insanely great. I now just have a lot of work ahead of me to catch up on back episodes on Hulu.

P.S. Hulu, you need to take down your Thanksgiving commercials. It's past. (But I do appreciate your IP address targeted ads...I think)

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